How To Make Eyelash Glue At Home

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Are you trying to learn how to make eyelash glue at home?

This guide will show you several different methods to make your own eyelash adhesive that you can use to attach fake lashes.

False eyelashes are a beauty accessory that can make your eyes pop. You simply attach false lashes over your natural lashes on your lash line with a thin strip of clear adhesive glue. But there are a number of reasons that you may want to make your own eyelash glue.

You might be out of regular eyelash glue, and need to come up with a homemade solution in a pinch so that you can apply your fake eyelashes.

Or if regular eyelash glue gives you allergic reactions or you have very sensitive skin, you may want to make your own natural eyelash glue that is gentler.

This guide will show you what to use if you don’t have eyelash glue plus five different ways you can make your own DIY eyelash glue.

woman using fake eyelash glue to put on eyelashes

What Is Eyelash Glue Made Of?

First of all, you may be wondering what eyelash glue is even made of.

Regular eyelash glue is made of cyanoacrylate, a substance that comes in various forms. Ethyl cyanoacrylate is the most common substance that you will find in eyelash glue, and it gives it strong adhesive properties and the ability to dry very quickly.

When you go see a professional lash technician to get eyelash extensions, this is the type of eyelash glue they will use to attach your lashes.

Ethyl cyanoacrylate is also in most of the eyelash extension adhesive products you can buy at the store to attach false lashes yourself.

Even eyelash glue that is advertised as allergy-friendly or for sensitive skin probably contains some form of cyanoacrylate.

Alternatives to Eyelash Glue

The good news is that there are several alternatives to regular eyelash glue that you can try that offer a strong hold, including making your own homemade lash glue.

One popular alternative is false lashes with self-adhesive strips. These are easier to apply than using traditional eyelash glue, and more gentle on your eyes.

However, lashes with self-adhesive strips only last for around 24 hours, making them a good idea for short-term events but not long-term wear.

Another alternative to eyelash glue is magnetic lashes.

These do not use any type of adhesive at all, but rather stay in place with tiny magnets. Magnetic lashes also last for around a day.

For a longer-term solution, you can get professional extensions from an eyelash technician. These can last for several weeks, and while eyelash glue is still used, you’re not the one having to apply it yourself.

Additionally, you can make your own eyelash glue at home. While these substances will not last as long as traditional lash glue, they can last for up to a day and are a good solution in a pinch.

These natural lash glue alternatives may also work better for those with allergies or sensitive skin.

Here are the best methods for making homemade lash glue alternatives:

Honey and Sugar

You can make a simple DIY eyelash glue using two common ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen: honey and sugar.

Just mix a small amount of honey, sugar, and water together to form a sticky substance that can be used to hold false lashes in place. 

Flaxseed Oil

Don’t have the above ingredients on hand? No sweat. Here’s how to make eyelash glue without honey or sugar – with flaxseed oil and water!

To do this, heat up the flaxseed oil and mix it with a small amount of water for another easy DIY eyelash glue solution.

As an added benefit, flaxseed oil is non-toxic and won’t damage your natural eyelashes. In fact, it strengthens and encourages growth in your lashes.

Vitamin E

Finally, you can make your own eyelash glue with Vitamin E oil capsules and Vaseline. Open up one or two Vitamin E capsules and squeeze them into a small mixing bowl with some Vaseline and a small amount of water.

Then mix it together and use the sticky substance to apply your false lashes. This is another easy DIY fix you can use as an alternative to eyelash glue.

What Not to Use as Eyelash Glue

The methods above are safe, non-toxic ways you can make your own eyelash glue at home.

However, there are a few things you should NEVER try to use as eyelash glue because it can cause extreme irritation and damage to your eyes, skin, and eyelashes.

One thing you may consider using as an alternative to eyelash glue is a glue stick. Although it may seem safe enough, this is actually a very bad idea since glue sticks are designed for attaching things to paper… not the sensitive skin around your eyes.

Similarly, Elmer’s glue is a no-no for attaching false lashes. And it goes without saying that you should never use super glue to apply fake lashes either.

These types of glue are not safe to use on any part of your body, especially your eyes.

How to Remove Eyelash Glue

Regular eyelash glue is designed to last for a long time (up to several weeks) and even the homemade glue mixtures described above can last for a while.

But maybe you only wanted to wear temporary lashes for a special occasion and you’re ready to take them off now.

Here are several ways to remove your eyelash glue at home.

Remove your eye makeup: The first step is to take off any other eye makeup that you are wearing (such as eyeliner or eyeshadow) using a gentle eye makeup remover pad.

Take a hot shower: The next step is to take a hot shower which can help start to loosen your eyelash glue. Any professional lash artist will recommend avoiding hot water and steam to extend the life of your false eyelashes.

So since you’re going for the opposite of extending them, hot water and steam are exactly what you want. However, avoid pulling at your false lashes, even if you can feel them loosening because this can damage your real lashes.

Use an oil-based cleanser: Finally, put an oil-based cleanser on a cotton swab and gently dab it above and below your strip lashes to loosen the adhesive. Oil-based makeup removers are great for removing this kind of adhesive. You can also use pure oils like coconut oil or olive oil.

Rinse your face: Rinse your face and eye area with warm water and you should find that your eyelash glue has dissolved and your false lashes will come right off. If they’re still stuck or if you have any glue residue, repeat the steps above

until the adhesive has fully dissolved.

DIY Eyelash Glue FAQs

Can I use mascara as eyelash glue?

No, mascara does not have adhesive properties that will keep your lashes attached for any substantial length of time.

Can you make toothpaste eyelash glue?

We do not recommend using toothpaste as it will not have the properties to keep your lashes attached for the desired amount of time.

Can I use school glue for fake eyelashes?

No. Elmer’s glue or any type of glue intended for paper and projects is not meant to be used around the eyes.

Can I use nail glue for eyelashes?

No. As with school glue, nail glue is not meant for around the eyes.

Making Your Own Eyelash Glue

To recap, three of the best ways to make your own eyelash glue are:

  • Mixing honey, sugar, and water
  • Heating flaxseed oil and mixing it with water
  • Mixing Vitamin E oil with a petroleum jelly like Vaseline and water

Of these, the honey, sugar, and water method is the best option if you want to keep your eyelashes on the longest.

Additionally, you can try false lashes with self-adhesive strips or magnetic lashes if you want to avoid using regular eyelash glue.

You can also get professional eyelash extensions from a lash technician who will apply the glue for you if you want a long-lasted solution.

At the end of the day, there are several alternatives to regular eyelash glue that you can make at home. The best adhesive is the one that works for your unique needs. For best results and especially for those with sensitive eyes, try each of these at least once and use the one that works best for YOU.

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