Signs Your Intuition is Trying To Tell You Something

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Have you ever had a gut feeling or heard that little voice nudging you towards a certain decision, or warning you about something or even someone?

If so, you’re likely already an intuitive person.

Our intuition is a powerful tool that helps us make the right decisions and navigate difficult situations, but sometimes it can be difficult to understand or recognize when it’s trying to communicate with us.

Thankfully, there are many signs that your intuition may be trying to tell you something that you may otherwise overlook! 

This article will discuss the idea of intuition, the signs of intuition, as well as how to strengthen and trust your own intuition. 

By learning to recognize these signs and enhancing your own intuitive skills, you’ll be better equipped to listen to your intuition when the occasion arrives!

A woman in a red shirt thinking with her finger on her chin.

What is intuition?

The concept of intuition, which you might also hear referred to as a gut instinct or a sixth sense, is the inner knowing or inner wisdom that comes from your subconscious mind. It sounds complex, I know. So let me break it down. 

Intuition is a natural ability that all of us human beings possess to some level. It allows us to process information from our unconscious mind and gives us insights and guidance in the right direction without conscious reasoning. 

Albert Einstein once said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.”

street signs that say "logic" and "intuition"

Intuition Vs Logical Reasoning

To explain intuition a bit further it might be helpful to see how it differs from logical reasoning or common sense.

Logical reasoning relies on hard facts, data, and evidence to make decisions, whereas intuition is all about trusting your inner voice and that gut feeling we all get from time to time. 

Logical reasoning takes time and requires conscious effort, while intuition is often felt and doesn’t necessarily require conscious thought. 

Intuitive decisions may not always have a clear explanation, but they can be surprisingly accurate and guide us as humans in doing and making the right decisions.

A woman in a blue shirt thinking with her hand on her chin.

Intuition in women

Throughout history, women especially have been known to have stronger intuition. 

We are often great at using gut feelings and inner voices to navigate complex social situations, protect our families, and make important decisions. 

It is believed that our higher level of intuition is influenced by our unique experiences, emotional intelligence, and our natural ability to empathize with others. 

Traits of People with Strong Intuition

Before we get into signs that our intuition is trying to tell us something, let’s chat about specific traits that people with strong intuition might have:

a gut and brain diagram.

Trust in their gut feelings

Intuitive people strongly trust and listen to their gut feelings and inner voice. They recognize that intuition is a powerful tool and are willing to rely on it in many aspects of their lives, such as personal relationships and career choices.

Empathy and emotional intelligence

Emotionally intelligent individuals can understand and evaluate not only their own emotions but the emotions of others as well. 

This is an important trait for Intuitive people as it enables them to sense the feelings and needs of those around them. 

This emotional awareness also helps them make decisions that are in the best interests of everyone involved – not just themselves.


Another important trait, having an open mind is essential for developing strong intuition. Having an open mind would mean that you are receptive to new ideas and experiences.

This would allow you to perceive the world in different ways and make connections that others might miss.

Women meditating.

Mindfulness and self-awareness

Intuitive people are deeply in tune with their own needs, thoughts, and feelings.

Practicing mindfulness and self-awareness can help to access inner wisdom more effectively and allow for making decisions that align with values and desires.

Strong observation skills

Intuitive people are excellent observers. Not just within their own mind and body, but they’re great at paying close attention to their surroundings and the people they interact with.  

They notice subtle nonverbal cues, body language, and other signals that provide information for decision-making.

Resilience and adaptability

People with strong intuition are often resilient and adaptable. 

They can bounce back from setbacks and learn from past experiences. 

In fact, they use those setbacks to further connect with themselves, allowing them to use their inner wisdom to navigate those challenging situations and move in the right direction.

A cup of coffee next to a napkin that says "trust your intuition"

14 Signs Your Intuition Is Trying to Tell You Something

So how do you feel your intuition?

Recurring thoughts or images

If a thought or image keeps popping up in your mind, it might be your intuition trying to tell you something.

Pay attention to these recurring thoughts and consider what they might be telling you about your current situation or a decision you need to make. 

Sometimes you’ll find that these persistent thoughts might be a warning sign or can indicate the best way to approach a problem.

Sudden changes in emotions

A sudden shift in your emotions, such as a sense of unease, excitement, or dread, can indicate that your intuition is trying to speak to you.

These emotional changes might be connected to a specific person, place, or situation and can serve as red flags.

Intuitive people are often more in tune with their emotions and can use an intuitive hit like this as a compass to guide them in the right direction.

A woman with muscle weakness in her hands.

Physical sensations or reactions

Your body is also great at giving you clues about your intuition.

Physical sensations like chills, goosebumps, or that knot in your stomach can all be signs that your subconscious mind is trying to chat with you. 

For instance, the vagus nerve, which connects your brain to your gut, can cause these physical reactions when your intuition senses something important. 

The good news is that listening to your body is a good idea as it can help you make the right decision, even when it may not seem logical at first.

Dreams and synchronicities

Vivid dreams or meaningful coincidences can be manifestations of your intuitive abilities.

If a pattern, symbol, message, or thought keeps appearing in your dreams or daily life, it could be your inner mind trying to provide guidance for you. 

Dreams are a really powerful tool for tapping into your unconscious mind.

Feeling drawn to or repelled by certain people, situations, or choices

Your intuition may be trying to guide you towards or away from specific people, situations, or decisions.

If you feel a strong attraction or aversion to something, take a few deep breaths and a moment to reflect on why your intuition might be sending you this signal.

A strong sense of urgency or unease

If you suddenly feel a sense of urgency or unease, this is another sign that your intuition might be trying to tell you something’s not right and it’s time to take action or make a change. 

Trust your gut feeling and consider how it might be related to what’s currently going on around you and the choices you’ve made. 

Sometimes, this unease can result from your intuition picking up on negative energy or negative emotions in your environment, but it’s important to find the root cause, even in a difficult situation.

A woman with hesitation looking up.

Prolonged hesitation or doubt

When you find yourself constantly hesitating or doubting a decision or situation, it could be your mind trying to tell you that something isn’t right.

Your inner wisdom may be nudging you to look deeper into the situation and possibly consider a different alternative.

Unexpected insights or creative ideas

An intuitive feeling doesn’t only show itself in negative or dangerous circumstances! 

It can also present itself as sudden insights or bursts of creativity. That “aha” moment you may feel or a new outlook or perspective on a problem, might just be your intuition guiding you down a new path.

Unexplained feelings of déjà vu

We all know the feeling of déjà vu (or familiarity in a situation) and this also can be a sign of your intuition at work. 

This feeling may indicate that you have encountered something similar in the past, and your intuition is drawing on those past experiences to guide you in the present moment.

A strong feeling of connection or disconnection

Sometimes your intuition can manifest as a powerful sense of conscious awareness, connection, or disconnection with someone or something. 

Simply put, this could be an indication that you’re meant to pursue a new relationship, partnership, or opportunity, or vice versa, that you should distance yourself from something in particular.

Two girl friends smiling into the camera.

Intuitive people in your life

A trusted friend and/or family member who is known for their strong intuition can also serve as important signs within your own life.

If someone you trust has a gut feeling or shares an intuitive insight about your life, you might want to listen!

 While you should absolutely be making your own decisions, these in-tune people can help validate or provide additional insight into your own thoughts and feelings or help you through making a tough decision.

Repeated external signs or symbols

Sometimes, your intuition might communicate through repeated signs or symbols that appear in your daily life. 

For example, you might repeatedly encounter a specific animal, color, or number. 

There’s a good chance this is your intuition’s way of directing your attention to a particular aspect of your life, though sometimes it may be difficult to interpret what exactly your intuition is trying to tell you.  

A sudden desire for change

If you suddenly feel a strong urge to make a significant change in your life, this could be your intuition pushing you to step out of your comfort zone to help you grow. 

The desire for change can manifest in different places of your life, such as relationships, careers, or even personal goals. 

Feeling a sense of peace or clarity

Again, your intuition doesn’t always just warn you when you’re on the wrong path.

Sometimes, your intuition will give you a sense of peace or calm when you’re on the right path or have made the best decision for yourself. 

If you feel a sense of relief or calmness after making a choice or taking action, it could be a clear sign that your intuition guided you in the right direction.

How to Strengthen and Trust Your Intuition

Meditation and mindfulness practices

Meditation and mindfulness can be the best thing to help you quiet your mind and tune into your inner voice. Practicing on a regular basis can help you become more aware of your inner feelings and learn to trust them and yourself. 

A woman sitting in the grass writing in her journal.

Journaling and self-reflection

Writing about your thoughts, emotions, personal life, and intuitive experiences can help give you insights and recognize patterns within your life.

Journaling about the signs of intuition that we talked about above can help you clearly see which ones resonate with you the most, allowing you to fine-tune your intuitive skills for future decisions.

If you’re in need of a great journal, here’s one we love.

Surrounding yourself with positive influences

Your intuition can be influenced by the people and environments you surround yourself with. You should always choose to spend time with people who lift you up and inspire you!

You can also learn from others with stronger intuitive abilities, whether it’s through personal connections or by reading books and attending workshops by intuitive experts like Judith Orloff or Sonia Choquette.

Paying attention to your body and emotions

Being in tune with your body can provide essential clues about your intuition. 

Like journaling, taking note of any physical sensations such as an uncomfortable or strange feeling, emotional shifts, increased heart rate, or gut feelings that arise, might help you to consider how they might be connected to your current situation. 

Body awareness activities, such as yoga or tai chi, can help you become more in tune with your body’s signals, allowing you to feel more confident in feeling and listening to your intuition.

Learning from past experiences

This is another great way to strengthen your intuition. By reflecting on your past experiences you can better recognize when your intuition was guiding you in the right direction. 

A person writing the word "empathy" in black marker on a visual board.

Developing empathy and understanding the emotions of others

Strengthening your intuition also involves developing empathy and a deeper understanding of the emotions of others, not just the feelings within ourselves. 

You can practice active listening and pay close attention to nonverbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, from those around you. 

As you develop these skills, your intuitive abilities will grow and strengthen.

Spending time in nature

Connecting with nature can have a very large impact on your intuition. 

Taking time to observe and appreciate the beauty and wisdom of nature can help you develop a deeper connection with your inner knowing. 

Whether it’s a walk in the park, a hike in the woods, or simply spending time in your backyard, immersing yourself in nature can help you tap into your intuitive abilities.

Practicing self-care and nurturing your mental health

Taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is crucial for not only your own well-being but tapping into your intuition as well. 

Prioritize self-care practices that nourish your mind, body, and soul, such as exercise, healthy eating, and engaging in hobbies that bring you joy. 

Maintaining a balanced and grounded state will help you stay in tune with your intuition and make better decisions in your daily life.

Embracing uncertainty and being open to change

One of the key aspects of trusting your intuition is being open to uncertainty and embracing change.

You need to accept that there will always be unknowns in life and that your intuition may guide you in unexpected directions. 

By remaining open and flexible, as well as reflecting on prior experiences, you will allow your intuition to lead you toward new opportunities and growth.

"Patience is a virtue" written on a black chalkboard

Practicing patience and consistency

Developing and trusting your intuition takes time and consistent effort that doesn’t happen overnight. 

Be patient with yourself as you work on strengthening your inner abilities and remember that this is always going to be an ongoing process. 

Over time, your intuition will become a more reliable and powerful tool in your day-to-day life.

Asking for guidance from your higher power or higher self

Whether you believe in a higher power or simply see your intuition as an extension of your higher self, don’t forget to ask for guidance when you need it.

Take the time to quiet your mind and seek answers through prayer, meditation, or intention-setting. 

You need to trust that the wisdom you’re looking for is within you and that your intuition will guide you toward the best path for your personal growth and well-being.

A girl standing under an umbrella.

Testing your intuition

One way to build trust in your intuition is to test it in low-stakes situations. 

For example, try using your intuition to predict the outcome of a coin toss, the weather, or which song will play next on the radio. 

Although these tests might seem silly, they can help you develop confidence in your intuitive abilities and gain a better understanding of how your intuition feels when it speaks to you.

Distinguishing between intuition and fear or wishful thinking

One last point before we wrap it up!  It’s important to differentiate between your true intuition and emotions such as fear or wishful thinking and what you want to be. 

Fear can often disguise itself as intuition, leading you to make decisions based on anxiety rather than genuine inner wisdom. 

Wishful thinking, on the other hand, can also cloud your intuition, causing you to interpret signs in a way that aligns with what you want and desire rather than the reality of the situation. 

Cultivating self-awareness and practicing mindfulness can help you to differentiate between all of these emotions and recognize your true intuition for realistic guidance.


At the end of the day, trusting your intuition can be a powerful way to navigate life and make decisions that are in your best interest and otherwise seem impossible. 

By recognizing the signs of intuition listed above and developing your intuitive abilities, you can use this incredible skill to experience life on a deeper level. 

Embrace your intuitive nature and watch as your life unfolds in beautiful, unexpected ways.

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