The 12 Best Crystals for Psychic Intuition

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Crystals have been used for centuries by healers and shamans around the world for their healing properties and spiritual guidance. They are made up of naturally occurring minerals such as quartz and other stones, and have the ability to absorb, store, and transmit energy.

Crystals come in a variety of colors and shapes, each with its own unique properties and benefits. The power of crystals lies in their ability to amplify energy and intention.

For example, when a person utilizes a crystal while setting an intention, the crystal can help to amplify or magnify the energy of that intention making it more powerful and effective.

When it comes to our own intuitive powers and psychic abilities, crystals can be an incredible help. By connecting with the energy of the crystals and harnessing their energies, we can open ourselves up to higher levels of awareness and understanding, thus enhancing our innate psychic powers.

Whether you’re looking to open your third eye chakra, enhance your mental clarity, or simply create a protective shield of positive energy, crystals will definitely be powerful allies in your spiritual journey.

In this article, I’ll be answering all of your questions about psychic intuition and how you can use crystals to enhance it. I’ll also outline the benefits of using crystals to unlock intuition as well as the best stones for intuition.

What is psychic intuition?

Before we get into the best ways to enhance our intuition, and what some might call our psychic senses, let’s chat a bit about what exactly psychic intuition is!

Psychic intuition is our ability to perceive and understand information that is not available to us through our five physical senses.

Intuition is said to be our sixth sense, and is often referred to as our “gut feeling” or “inner knowing.” Intuition is our ability to tap into the energy of the universe and access information or feelings that can guide our thoughts, decisions, and actions.

It is also said to be our connection to our higher self and our ability to make decisions based on our inner wisdom and any understanding that lies beyond the reach of the conscious mind.

While we all possess intuitive abilities to some degree, there are ways to enhance these abilities and utilizing crystals is one of them!

How do crystals help with intuition?

By now you’re likely wondering how exactly crystals can help us connect with our inner intuition.

The idea is that crystals possess unique energetic properties that can help to balance and align the body’s energy fields (and chakras), which in turn can help to clear the mind and promote a sense of inner calm and clarity, thus allowing us to see or understand things we otherwise wouldn’t.

In addition, some people also believe that crystals can act as a conduit for spiritual energy, helping to connect the individual with their intuition and higher consciousness.

Crystals are also believed to aid in awakening the third eye chakra, or the subconscious mind, and enhance one’s psychic ability.

Benefits of Using Crystals to Unlock Intuition

Using intuition crystals has many benefits, including some of the following:

  • Enhancing our mental clarity and sharpening our senses.
  • Strengthening our connection to our higher self and our intuition.
  • Improving our ability to trust our intuition and make decisions based on our inner wisdom.
  • Creating a shield of positive energy while blocking out negative energy.
  • Enhancing our understanding and awareness of the universe and the things which we don’t consciously know.

The 12 Best Crystal Stones for Intuition

amethyst crystal stone for intuition

Amethyst Stone

Amethyst crystals are some of the best stones for intuition and spiritual awareness.

These beautiful stones have healing properties and are associated with both the crown chakra and the third eye chakra, which are located at the top of the head and are associated with intuition, spiritual connection, and good luck.

It is believed that carrying or wearing amethyst can help to enhance intuition and psychic powers. This stone may also help with calming the mind, helping to balance emotions and promoting peace.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal

Lapis Lazuli crystals are often considered the stone of wisdom.

They are associated with the third eye chakra, which is located in the forehead and is linked to intuition, inner wisdom, and psychic abilities. Additionally, lapis lazuli is an excellent stone for helping to increase mental clarity and improve decision-making.

Clear Quartz Crystal

This is a transparent quartz stone that has energy-amplifying properties associated with the crown chakra that is also linked to your intuition, spiritual connection, and a level of higher consciousness.

Clear quartz is also a powerful tool for your meditation practice and can help to balance and align all of the chakras.

Rose Quartz Crystal

The rose quartz crystal is associated with the heart chakra – located in the center of the chest – and is associated with love and emotions along with intuition.

Using rose quartz can help to open the heart chakra which will promote feelings of love and self-acceptance, and can lead to psychic abilities. This stone is also used for emotional healing, stress release, and to nurture healthy relationships.

Blue Calcite Stone

This blue-colored mineral is associated with the throat chakra and provides calming energy.

It is also associated with communication, self-expression, and intuition as it helps to better communicate and express your perceptive insight more clearly. This stone is also said to aid in enhancing memory and learning abilities.

Blue Lace Agate Stone

Like blue calcite, blue lace agate is aligned with the throat chakra and helps with communication and expressing yourself not only more clearly but truthfully as well.

In addition, this stone is said to give peace of mind and reduce stress and anxiety while providing emotional balance. Blue lace agate is a great crystal for meditation and to help with decision-making.

Black Obsidian Crystal

This natural volcanic glass stone is associated with the root chakra – which is located at the base of the spine – making it a powerful tool for spiritual grounding and protection.

Carrying black obsidian is said to enhance intuition and psychic abilities while protecting against negative energies.

Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite is linked to both the throat and third eye chakra and has high-vibrational energy. Blue kyanite helps to promote tranquility and peacefulness. This calming stone is also a great option for meditation and connecting to spirit guides and higher consciousness.

White Topaz

Another high vibration stone, white topaz is associated with the crown chakra and is believed to enhance intuition by providing clarity of thought. This crystal is also said to be the perfect stone to help with manifestation practice and bringing your desires into reality.

Pink Amethyst

This pink variety of amethyst stimulates the third eye chakra, heart chakra, and the crown chakra. It is a great stone for calming the mind, balancing emotions, and healing, especially in matters connected to the heart. It is said to help with manifesting love, peace, and tranquility.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a healing and protective stone that contains grounding and protective properties and is associated with the root chakra.

Black tourmaline enhances intuitive senses while protecting against negative energies and promoting a sense of security and protection. This stone also helps to remove blockages and negative thoughts which allows for clarity and mental guidance.

Blue Apatite

Connected to the throat and third eye chakra, the blue Apatite stone helps with personal growth and a better understanding of oneself especially as it relates to learning from your past lives. This stone is especially helpful in guiding you to hone in on your inner voice and enhance your intuitive abilities.

How to Use Crystals to Unlock Inner Intuition

Once your healing stones are cleansed and charged, you can begin to explore different ways of using them to unlock your intuition. Here are some of the most popular methods:

  • Meditating with your crystals

Meditating with your crystals can help to open up your intuition and tap into your psychic powers. Hold the crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. Allow yourself to be open to the energy of the crystal and after clearing your mind, listen to the messages it has to offer.

  • Placing crystals around your home

Placing crystals around your home can help to create a positive energy field by blocking negative energy while also opening up your intuition and psychic senses.

You can place crystals in each corner of your home to create a protective shield, or you can place them around your work space or in your bedroom to create a peaceful and calming atmosphere.

  • Wearing crystals as jewelry

Wearing crystal jewelry can help to open up your intuition and connect you to your higher self. Choose a crystal that resonates with you and wear it close to your heart. This will help to open up your heart chakra and allow you to access your inner truth and higher understanding.

Tips for Using Crystals to Boost Intuition

When working with crystals to unlock your intuition, it’s important to remember a few key tips:

  • Be patient and open: Working with crystals takes time and effort, and it’s important to be patient and open to the process. Allow yourself to be open to the energy of the crystals and don’t be afraid to ask questions.
  • Listen to your intuition: When you’re working with crystals, listen to your own intuition. Your intuition is your connection to your higher self and will help to guide you in the right direction.
  • Connect with your higher self: Connecting with your higher self is essential when working with crystals. Allow yourself to be open to the energy of the universe that the crystals provide and be willing to follow and listen to your intuition.


In conclusion, crystals can be powerful tools for enhancing psychic intuition and strengthening your connection to your higher self and subconscious mind.Different crystals have different properties and energy vibrations, making them suitable for different purposes.

While each of the crystals listed above has unique properties that can certainly help to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual awareness, they can also be powerful tools to use in conjunction with other practices such as meditation, self-reflection, and spiritual study.

By incorporating the right crystal (or crystals) into your spiritual practice, you may find that you are better able to connect with your inner wisdom and access deeper levels of insight and understanding.

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