How To Reverse A Lash Lift At Home (4 Simple Options)

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Lash lifts have become a popular beauty treatment for those seeking a low-maintenance way to enhance their natural lashes. This technique uses chemicals and heat to curl and lift the natural lashes, resulting in a wide-eyed, youthful look.

However, sometimes a lash lift can go wrong, or a person may change their mind about the look they want. In these cases, knowing how to reverse a lash lift is crucial. 

How to reverse a lash lift

If you’ve had a bad lash lift or are experiencing any discomfort or other complications, you may consider reversing the effects of the treatment. Here are a few processes for safe and effective lash lift reversal.

A close-up photo of a woman with blue eyes and curled eyelashes.

Option 1: Wait for the lift to wear off naturally

One of the easiest ways to reverse an eyelash lift is to wait for it to wear off naturally, depending on your natural lash growth cycle. They typically last 6-8 weeks. However, if you don’t have enough time for that, you can try other methods to speed up the process.

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Option 2: Apply an oil-based product to break down the chemicals

An oil-based product, like coconut oil, castor oil, or olive oil, can help break down the chemicals in the lash lift solution. The first step is to use a clean mascara wand or brush to apply and gently coat your lashes with the oil.

For best results, leave it on for 10 to 15 minutes. The next step is to rinse with warm water. Repeat this process daily until your natural lashes return to their pre-lift state.

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Option 3: Use a keratin treatment to repair damaged lashes

If your natural lashes have been damaged as a result of the lash lift, a keratin treatment might be the best way to repair them.

You can find keratin treatments at most beauty supply stores or online. Follow the instructions on the product carefully, but in general, you’ll apply the treatment to your lashes and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off with warm water.

Repeat this process once or twice a week until your natural lashes are fully repaired.

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Option 4: Remove stubborn lift with a lash comb or gentle exfoliating scrub

Another safe way to remove a stubborn lift, try using a lash comb or brush to gently separate the lashes. You can also try using a small amount of a gentle exfoliating scrub with a cotton pad to help remove any remaining product.

Be gentle with your lashes, as they may be more fragile than usual.

A woman having lash lifting solution applied during a lash lift appointment.

What is a lash lift treatment and how does it work?

A lash lift, also known as an eyelash perm, is a beauty treatment that uses chemicals and a specialized tool to curl and lift natural lashes. The treatment gives lashes a more lifted and youthful appearance and it often alleviates the need to use eye makeup.

Unlike lash extensions, which involve attaching individual extensions to each natural lash, a lash lift works by enhancing your natural lashes.

What to expect during the procedure

The first thing your tech will do during your keratin lash lift treatment is place silicone pads around the eye area to hold your eyelashes in place. Then, a perm solution gets applied to your lashes, working from the lash line up, to get your lashes to hold a curl.

The perming solution breaks down protein bonds in the hair shaft, allowing the lashes to gently curl and lift. This gives your natural eyelashes a more dramatic look without the need for an eyelash curler. 

The longer your lash technician leaves the solution on, the curlier your lashes get. Heat may also be applied to help set the lashes in place.

A woman having her eyelashes brushed at the end of her lash lift appointment.

Lash lift risks

While the lash lift process is generally a safe and effective cosmetic treatment, there are some risks involved. 

  • Allergic reactions: Some people may experience allergic reactions to the chemicals used in the setting solution. Symptoms can include redness, swelling, and itching around the eyes.
  • Damage to natural lashes: If the lash lift solution is left on for too long or applied improperly, it can lead to damage to the natural lashes. This can include breakage, loss of lashes, or even scarring.
  • Infection: If the tools or equipment used during the lash lift are not properly sanitized, it can lead to infections. This can include eye infections such as conjunctivitis.
  • Eye irritation: During the lash lift treatment, the eyes are often held open for an extended period of time, which can lead to eye irritation and dryness.
  • Results not as expected: Sometimes, the results of a lash lift may not meet your expectations. This can include lashes that are too curly, too straight, or unevenly lifted.

It’s important to choose a reputable salon and lash artist that you thoroughly vet before going to a new place. Additionally, it’s. a good idea to communicate any concerns or sensitivities before undergoing a lash lift to minimize the risk of complications.

If you do experience any discomfort, allergic reactions, or other complications after a lash lift, seek medical attention immediately.

A woman at a lash lift appointment with her eyes closed getting ready for solution to be applied.

How do lash lifts go wrong?

While a lash lift can provide great results, there are instances where it may not turn out as expected. Here are some of the ways that lash lifts can go wrong:

  • Over-processing: Leaving the lifting solution on for too long can cause over-processing and damage to the natural lashes.
  • Lashes are crossed and crinkled: This happens when your lash tech uses too much glue or doesn’t remove it all between applications.
  • Incorrect rod size: Using the incorrect rod size can lead to lashes that are too curled or too straight.
  • Improper placement: If the lashes are not placed correctly on the rod, the lift may not be even, leading to an uneven appearance.
  • Poor aftercare: Not following proper aftercare instructions can cause the lift to not last as long or even cause damage to the lashes.
  • Use of incorrect products: Using the wrong products on the lashes after a lash lift can cause the lift to break down prematurely.

Use proper lash lift aftercare to maintain good results

After getting a lash lift, it’s important to take proper care of your lashes to ensure the lift lasts as long as possible and you don’t accidentally alter the results. Common aftercare tips include:

  • Avoid getting your lashes wet for the first 24-48 hours after the treatment. This includes avoiding steam, saunas, and swimming pools.
  • Avoid using oil-based products on your lashes, including oil-based makeup remover, as they can break down the lift. Stick to water-based products instead.
  • Be gentle when cleansing your face, and avoid rubbing or pulling at your lashes.
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach or side, as this can cause your lashes to become distorted or bent.
  • Use a lash serum or growth treatment to help keep your natural lashes healthy and strong.
  • Schedule regular touch-up appointments with your lash artist to maintain the lift, keep your lashes looking their best, and curl any new baby lashes.

By following these aftercare tips, you can maintain great lash lift results, help prolong the effects of your lash lift, and keep your natural lashes healthy and strong.


A lash lift is a great way to add curl to straight lashes or to make natural lashes stand out more. In fact, you can even pair a lift with eyelash tinting for a more dramatic look.

If you don’t like the results, it’s possible to reverse the lash lift and go back to your natural state and try again until you get the desired results.

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