Can you put shoes in the dryer and washing machine?

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Is putting shoes in the washer and dryer safe?

Nothing is worse than getting your shoes wet from walking in a big puddle. The excess moisture makes your feet cold, soggy, and highly uncomfortable. 

Wet shoes are also much more susceptible to getting extra dirty. However, most people don’t realize they can clean their shoes in the washing machine. Instead, they wash them at the kitchen sink and allow them to air dry.

The problem with this option is that it can leave a foul odor inside your shoes. So, it makes you wonder, “Can I put my shoes in the washer and dryer?”

The answer to this question depends on the types of shoes you’re cleaning. So today, we’re going over how to properly wash and dry your shoes while also answering the most commonly asked questions in regard to shoe cleaning.

A clothing dryer with the door open.

How To Wash & Dry Shoes Properly

Can you put your shoes in the washing machine?

Yes, you can put your shoes in a washing machine. However, it will depend on the shoe materials. 

Check the care label of your shoes before putting them in the machine. Also, remember you should never wash animal-based materials. For example, leather shoes should never go into a washing machine or dryer. 

Water and high heat can cause permanent damage to this type of material. Instead, you should use a recommended shoe-cleaning product.

Cotton, nylon, and polyester shoes are usually safe for washing machines. However, it is still important to check the care label since it may state that the shoes are to be hand washed only.

A woman putting white sneakers in a mesh bag into a washing machine.

How to wash shoes in the washing machine

How do you wash your shoes in the washing machine?

The washing instructions on your shoe’s label will tell you everything you need to know about its material and if it’s safe to wash. After reading the label, the next thing you want to do is prepare your shoes.

Start by removing the shoe strings and scrubbing the surface with an old toothbrush. This will help to remove dirt in the smaller areas of the shoes. Preparing your shoes before putting them in the machine will ensure cleaner results.

Next, place your shoes in a mesh laundry bag. You can use a pillowcase if you don’t have a mesh bag.

A woman putting small towels in a dryer.

Also, as washing shoes can get a bit loud, adding old towels to the machine is a good idea. The towels will act as a buffer and keep the shoes from banging on the washing machine’s drums.

Not only do you want to prepare your shoes, but you also want to prepare your washing machine.

Start by setting the machine to a gentle cycle with cold water. If you wash your shoes in high temperatures, you can risk colors fading and tears. Next, add the laundry detergent and your shoes and let the machine run.

A woman putting a pair of grey sport sneakers into a dryer.

How To Dry Shoes In A Dryer

Is it safe to put your shoes in the dryer?

Air drying your shoes is always the safest way to go, regardless of the material of your shoes. However, if you’re in a pinch and need to wash and dry your shoes quickly, there are certain shoe types that can withstand the washing and drying machine.

Not only can your shoes get damaged in the dryer, but you can also damage the interior of your dryer. Since a dryer has no real buffer like the washing machine, your shoes will just constantly bang around throughout the entire cycle.

The high temperatures of a dryer can melt the adhesives that hold your shoes together. You also risk potential damage to the soles of the shoes. 

Often with canvas shoes, this is a common problem. Canvas shoes can easily become twisted beyond recognition by from the dryer tossing them around.

If you insist on putting your shoes in the the dryer, take steps for protection. First, remove any excess water from your shoes to ensure they’re not dripping wet. After that, clean your lint filter to ensure your dryer runs smoothly. 

Lastly, reread the care label to confirm you can in fact put your shoes in the dryer. If you can, use low heat or the air-dry setting. Lastly, remember to add small towels to keep the shoes from banging on the walls.

Pink and grey boots drying on a heater.


What is the best way to dry shoes?

When drying shoes, your best safest and best option is always to air-dry them. You can either stuff them with newspaper and let them air-dry in the sun, place them near a window, or place them near a heater.

How can you keep the moldy smell from happening?

Consider putting your shoes on a drying rack in direct sunlight on a warm day. The warm air and sunlight provide enough heat to dry shoes and prevent smells.

An alternative is to place them in a warm area of your home and add scrunched-up newspaper to the inside of the shoes. The newspaper will help absorb the excuse moisture and keep them in their correct shape.

A person scrubbing a pair of blue sneakers.

What if you can’t add your shoes to the washing machine?

There are some shoes you can’t wash in the machine. This includes leather and suede shoes, and sometimes nylon shoes.

The best way to wash these types of shoes is to hand wash them.

Start by adding one tablespoon of dish soap to warm water. Next, grab an old toothbrush and scrub in a circular motion to remove the dirt. Once done, pat dry with some paper towels.

You can also use a baking soda mixture to handwash your shoes. First, mix the baking soda with water and rub it on the shoes. Then use a brush to remove the mixture.

Once done, allow the shoes to sit for three hours before rinsing. You can also use baking soda for the inside of your shoes to help deodorize and prevent athlete’s foot.

A person pouring laundry detergent into a small cup.

Can you use any laundry detergent when cleaning shoes?

It’s best to avoid using power detergent as it can get into the small areas of your shoes. Instead, choose to use liquid laundry detergent or pods.

These options are safe and won’t clump together inside your shoes. Also, make sure the detergent offers color protection to prevent fading.

White vinegar next to a brush and sponge.

Is the vinegar method safe?

The best way to clean leather shoes is to use vinegar, but this isn’t the case with all types of shoes. When cleaning leather shoes with vinegar your first step is to create a solution with 50% water and 50% white distilled vinegar.

Next, grab a damp cloth to apply the solution. Allowing leather shoes to air dry is best instead of putting them in the dryer.

A pair of white sneakers soaking in a tub.

Is the tub method a good idea?

The preferred method to clean shoes for many is in the tub. It’s a great idea when you prefer not to clean your shoes at the kitchen sink and can’t place them in the washing machine.

Add warm soapy water to the tub and clean your shoes with a brush. Try not to wet the tongue of your shoes as it may take a while for them to dry.

If you haven’t fully soaked your shoes during this method, you can place them in a warm area of your home for a few hours to dry.


The shoe drying process will all depend on the type of shoes you are trying to wash/dry. The good news is that if you happen to have a pair of shoes that can’t go in the dryer, there are plenty of good alternatives for washing and drying to ensure you don’t damage your shoes.

Just remember that if you do put your shoes in the dryer, you always want to set it to the lowest heat setting especially if your shoes are made of delicate materials.

Ultimately, the best method for drying your shoes is air-drying, but if you’re in a pinch check the care label and follow the instructions.

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