The Powerful Red Eye Meaning On A Bracelet (& How To Use It)

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Have you ever seen evil eye jewelry and couldn’t help but wonder: what does the red eye mean on a bracelet?

Maybe you saw a family or a friend wear it.

Or maybe you remember the popularity the red string bracelet gained among celebrities such as Brad Pitt or Britney Spears.

I remember one of them talking about warding off bad luck in an interview once, but I always wondered what more there was to the red bracelet.

What did that evil eye mean? Could it make an impact on my life like these celebrities said it did?

What does the red eye mean on a bracelet?

A bracelet with a red eye on it is supposed to protect the person wearing it, to fend off evil spirits. 

It is a piece of jewelry with red color that not only brings good luck to the person wearing it but deflects any evil thoughts or negative energies that are attempting to reach a person. 

To understand the power of the red eye on the bracelet, it is important to understand the power behind it. And the power comes down to one word: energy.

The energy behind the evil eye symbol

What most explanations skip past is the explanation of the energy behind the bracelet.

The power of the evil eye lies in the energy (both positive energies and negative energies) behind it.

According to The Evil Eye: The History, Mystery, and Magic of the Quiet Curse, English doesn’t have an exact word to describe the type of energy the evil eye refers to, but it is energy that cannot be tasted, seen, or heard, but is evident throughout creatures, plants, and even colors. 

People can create positive energy or negative energy, and this can be evident throughout the world. This includes a red thread bracelet. 

People all the way back to the philosopher Plurtach, who lived in the first century, believed that power came from the eyes and carried energy to be able to do both good and terrible things to people.

Because of this, throwing an “evil eye” at someone could release negative energy into the world and toward people. 

There needed to be something to prevent the negative energy from coming from the evil eye. That is why the evil eye charms and bracelets were created. 

So in reality, the evil eye is not the charm itself but the evil eye that is sent toward someone, whether intentional or not. The evil eye bracelet is to stop those negative energies from affecting a person.

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What does the red band evil eye mean? 

The red evil eye meaning started from a popular belief called the evil eye curse. 

Various cultures believed that when someone was jealous of someone else, they would send them an evil glare that was backed by evil forces. 

An evil eye amulet, or an evil eye charm, was created to protect the person from the curse of the evil eye. 

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Evil Eye Origin – History of the Evil Eye

The evil eye actually did not start on bracelets, but instead started on cups! 

Or at least that was the first record of the evil eyes. It could go back even further than that. 

The evil eye, believe it or not, actually goes back all the way back to ancient times, to the 6th century BCE when it was found on cups in a place that is now West Asia.

There are recordings from texts from Ancient Greece, the Qu’ran, and even the Bible (Matthew 6:22-23.) 

Different cultures adopted this evil eye protection in different ways with different names.

In South Asia, they use the nazar, or the evil eye amulet, to prevent excessive praise to their children. 

In Yiddish, or Jewish culture, the evil eye is called the Kinahora.

It is mentioned in the Midrash, which was a commentary on the Hebrew scriptures, which has parts written as early as the first century BCE.

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Definitions that may help

As you learn about the meaning of the red eye on the bracelet, there are several definitions that may help you along the way.

Hamsa Hand 

The Hamsa hand is a right hand opened up with an evil eye inside.

It traces back to both Jewish culture and Islamic culture as good karma and a powerful symbol against the evil eye.

In Islamic culture, this is also known as the Hand of Fatima, after the daughter of Mohammad.

Evil Eye Talisman 

A talisman is an object that is known as one of the best ways to bring good luck. This is usually a charm or a ring of some sort. An evil eye talisman is such a charm that has the shape of an eye on it.

Mal de Ojo 

Mal de Ojo is the word for “evil eye” in Central America and Hispanic places.

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Are there different types of evil eyes?

Yes, an evil eye necklace or bracelet can have multiple meanings.

There are unconscious evil eyes, conscious, evil eyes, and invisible evil eyes.

These are different evil thoughts, but each is a powerful symbol. 

An unconscious evil eye is when pain or other bad energies are reflected accidentally.

The conscious evil eye is bad energies that are directed to you on purpose. Invisible ones are the unknown ones never seen.

All of these are different but are still able to be the same color of red eyes. 

What does the evil eye on a bracelet look like?

Most of the evil eye bracelets have red string with an eye in the center.

Here are some examples of some you could buy or give to close friends or family members you care about.

Although most are strings like the one above, some of them are beaded too, which is perfectly okay. It really comes down to the evil eye itself and the preference for what is red around it. 

Others also have the Hand of Fatima on it surrounding the evil eye.

What do the other evil eye colors mean?

In addition to the red eye symbol, there are plenty of different evil eye colors that all mean different things.

Believe it or not, the color red is actually not the most popular! The most popular of the evil eye pendants is the blue color.

The different colors are for different goals you may have. They all have slightly different meanings. 

Pink evil eye

The pink evil eye is known to represent the protection of friendships, as well as calmness and relaxation. 

Yellow evil eye

The yellow evil eye is known for good fortune and happiness.

Orange evil eye

Although people give a lot of different meanings for orange, the one word that seems to be the constant among all the different definitions is creativity.

Happiness is another word that was common when talking about what the orange evil eye means.

Green evil eyes

The green evil eye revolves around good health and good luck. It is known to bring positive energy, which then brings the good health.

Blue evil eye bracelet

Blue eye is the most common color for the evil eyes. The color blue for the evil eye includes many shades, such as a light blue and a deep blue. 

A dark blue background can symbolize good karma as well as relaxation and calmness. A lighter blue is usually associated with peace.

White evil eye 

The white evil eye represents purity, newneess, and freshness. 

Brown evil eye 

The brown evil eye represents connecting with nature as well as maintaining order within one’s world. 

Grey evil eye 

If you are protecting against sorrow, try using the grey evil eye.

Purple evil eye

The purple evil eye is said to remove obstacles from life. It can also help with imagination and creativity. 

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How should I wear the red evil eye bracelet? 

There is a popular method on how to wear those evil eye beads.

How to wear it depends on what you are feeling and why you chose to buy a red evil eye bracelet in the first place.

Since your heart is a bit to your left side, the left hand is for what is more emotional.

You’ll want to wear the bracelet on your left wrist if you are thinking of your love life, others, or emotions in your personal life.

However, you’ll want to wear it on your right hand on your right wrist if you’re trying to solve problems more about events rather than emotions.

This could be money, jobs, or other parts of your life.

What if my evil eye bracelet breaks?

A broken evil eye is thought to mean that the bracelet could no longer retain all of the negative energies it was retaining. Once broken, those negative energies go back into the world. 

The good news is that it doesn’t mean they all go back to you!

Instead, they are released back into the world.

So even though you are no longer protected, it is not bad luck or bad fortune happening to you. It simply means that you’ll need to buy another one.

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Is the evil eye real?

A study in 1976 proved that well over 30% of cultures believed in these eyes could ward off the evil eye from others. S

o if over 30% of cultures have this strong connection, with reports of a reduction of negative emotions and other negativities, does it make it true?

There is no scientific evidence that the evil eye is real, or that a bracelet could ward off these evil stares.

However, it is still ingrained in many societies.

For example, in Turkey, it is still a tradition to bring some type of evil eye token when a baby is born. 

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