Pros & Cons Of Permanent Eyeliner: Should You Do It?

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As someone who loves the look of eyeliner but hates the daily hassle of applying eye makeup, I was intrigued by the idea of permanent eyeliner (also known as permanent eyeliner tattoos). 

The thought of waking up with perfectly lined eyes every morning was tempting, but I also had concerns. 

After doing some research and speaking with professionals, I discovered there are both pros and cons to getting this lash line enhancement.

Since this beauty procedure and permanent cosmetics in general have increased in popularity over the last few years, I figured I’d share what I’ve learned as I’m sure there are many other women out there who have the same questions I did. 

Before we get into the pros and cons, let’s first discuss what exactly permanent eyeliner is. 

A woman having permanent eyeliner tattood her on eye.

What is Permanent Eyeliner?

The permanent eyeliner procedure is a type of permanent makeup treatment that involves tattooing pigment onto the upper and/or lower eyelash line. 

This is done using a small needle that deposits the pigment into the superficial layer of the skin, creating a line that mimics the look of eyeliner. 

This type of procedure can take anywhere from 1-2 hours, depending on the complexity of the design and the skill level of the technician.

It’s important to note that not all permanent makeup procedures are created equal. 

It’s essential to do your research and find a reputable technician who has experience with cosmetic tattooing procedures. 

You should also be aware of the risks involved in the tattooing process such as infection, scarring, and allergic reactions.

Without further ado, here’s our list of permanent eyeliner pros and cons:

The Pros of Permanent Eyeliner

Time Saving

As someone who loves makeup but hates spending too much time on it, permanent eyeliner is a great choice.

With permanent eyeliner, you don’t have to worry about adding time to your makeup routine every day. 

We all know how hard it is to get the perfect winged eyeliner and just how long it can take!

A woman's eye with permanent eyeliner.

Perfect Eyeliner Every Time

As mentioned above, one of the biggest pros of permanent eyeliner is that it gives you a perfect eyeliner look every time. 

If you have unsteady hands or struggle with getting your eyeliner on point, permanent eyeliner is a good thing to consider. 

You can have a professional artist create the perfect eyeliner shape for your eyes, and you won’t have to worry about it smudging or fading throughout the day.

Beneficial for Certain Conditions

Permanent eyeliner can also be beneficial for those who have certain conditions that make it difficult to apply makeup. 

For example, if you have vision problems, tremors, or poor eyesight, permanent eyeliner would alleviate the struggle of trying to do traditional eyeliner every day.

It’s also a great option for those with allergies or sensitive skin who may have trouble finding long-wearing eyeliner that doesn’t irritate their eyes.

A blonde woman with eyeliner on her eyes.

Enhances Natural Features

Another added bonus of permanent eyeliner is that it enhances your natural features.

​While natural-looking results are often most requested, you can certainly choose from any of the different styles available. 

A lash enhancement tattoo can make your eyes appear bigger and brighter, and it can also help define your eye shape. 

​They can be thick, thin, straight, winged, etc. 

For makeup lovers who want to add a little something extra to their look, permanent eyeliner is a great option.

The Cons of Permanent Eyeliner

Potential Health Risks

As someone who has researched the pros and cons of permanent eyeliner, I must say that one of the biggest concerns is the potential health risks.

Adverse reactions, such as allergic reactions, to the ink used for permanent eyeliner are rare but can occur. 

This can be particularly concerning for individuals with medical conditions or sensitive skin. 

Iron oxide, which is commonly used in permanent makeup, can also pose a risk to the immune system.

The good news is, the risk of infection is low however, it is certainly something to consider.

A woman getting a permanent eyeliner tattoo.

Long Healing Process

Another con of permanent eyeliner is the long healing process. 

The delicate skin around the eye is more sensitive than other parts of the body. 

It can take a long time (several weeks) for the eyeliner to fully heal, and during this time, thicker lines may be visible. 

This can be frustrating for those who want to achieve a more natural look. 

Additionally, the healing process can be uncomfortable and require a strict aftercare routine.

Risk of Unwanted Results

In rare cases, the final decision of permanent eyeliner can result in unwanted results. 

This can include asymmetrical lines and, uneven color, or worse, raccoon eyes. 

It is important to choose a reputable artist with years of experience to minimize the risk of unwanted results.


Lastly, permanent eyeliner can be costly.

Multiple sessions may be required for optimal results which can get a bit pricey. 

Additionally, touch-ups may be needed every few years to maintain the desired look.

Change Of Heart

Just like with any other tattoo, there is always the concern of changing your mind.

While you WILL be stuck with your new eyeliner for quite some time, the reality is, it will eventually fade.

The Procedure for Applying Permanent Eyeliner

Before your procedure, you will have a consult with your eyeliner technician to determine the desired thickness and shape of the eyeliner as well as any health/skin concerns that should be taken into account. 

On the day of your appointment, prior to having your eyeliner applied, your technician will apply a numbing cream to make you more comfortable during the procedure. 

A woman having eyeliner tattoos on her eye.

Once numb, a thin line of tattoo ink is applied along the lash line, gradually building up the thickness and shape of the eyeliner. 

The procedure typically takes around 1-2 hours to complete, depending on the complexity of the design.

As with any tattooing procedure, you may experience some discomfort or mild pain.

However, the topical anesthetic should help alleviate any discomfort. It is important to keep your eyes closed during the procedure to avoid any accidental contact with the tattoo ink.


After the procedure, it is important to take proper care of the area to ensure optimal healing. 

Aftercare instructions typically include:

  • Avoiding direct sunlight and tanning beds
  • Keeping the area clean and dry
  • Avoiding swimming or soaking in water for at least 2 weeks
  • Using a healing ointment

It is also important to note that the upper layers of the skin will naturally flake off over time, causing the eyeliner to fade. 

As mentioned previously, maintaining the desired look may require touch-up appointments every 1-3 years.

And believe it or not, permanent eyeliner and semi-permanent eyeliner are actually the same thing. 

Permanent eyeliner isn’t applied the same as regular tattoos and never actually lasts forever, hence the reason for touchups.

before and after permanent eyeliner.

Here is a photo of before and after permanent eyeliner.

As you can see, this woman chose to go the more natural route.

Her eyeliner tattoo is subtle yet makes her eyes pop while adding depth.


Is permanent eyeliner safe?

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are some risks associated with permanent eyeliner. 

However, if you choose a reputable and experienced technician, the risks are minimal. 

Before getting permanent eyeliner, it is important to do your research and choose a technician who uses high-quality pigments and sterile equipment.

What is the healing process like for permanent eyeliner?

The healing process for permanent liner can vary from person to person, but generally, it takes about a week for the eyeliner to heal completely. 

While still in the healing phase, you may experience some redness, swelling, and/or scabbing. 

It is important to avoid touching or picking at the area and to keep it clean and dry. 

Your technician will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing.

What are the potential side effects of permanent eyeliner?

The potential side effects of permanent eyeliner include infection, allergic reaction, and scarring. 

However, these risks can be minimized by choosing a reputable technician and following proper aftercare instructions. 

It is also important to disclose any medical conditions or allergies you may have before getting the procedure done. 

If you experience any unusual symptoms or side effects, it is important to contact your technician or doctor immediately.


The growth of the permanent makeup industry has grown by leaps and bounds, partially due to all the content out there on social media.

Permanent eyeliner can be a perfect solution for those who love eyeliner but despise applying it every day.

This permanent procedure is now one of the most popular permanent makeup treatments available today and takes very little time out of your busy schedule.

There are potential risks involved with this cosmetic tattooing procedure but at the end of the day, it’s a very safe procedure that can give you that on-point eyeliner look you love.

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